Spring AI RAG using Embedding Models and Vector Databases

Spring AI RAG using Embedding Models and Vector Databases

In this article, we will explore the following: Introduction to Embedding Models. Loading data using DocumentReaders. Storing embeddings in VectorStores. Implementing RAG (Retrieval-Augmented Generation), a.k.a. Prompt Stuffing. Sample Code Repository You can find the sample code for this article in the GitHub repository Large Language Models(LLMs) like OpenAI, Azure Open AI, Google Vertex, etc are trained on large datasets. But those models are not trained on your private data, so they may not be able to answer questions specific to your domain.

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Getting Started with Spring AI and Open AI

Getting Started with Spring AI and Open AI

In this article, we will explore the following: Introduction to Spring AI. Interacting with Open AI using Spring AI. Using PromptTemplates. Using OutputConverters. Sample Code Repository You can find the sample code for this article in the GitHub repository Introduction to Open AI and Spring AI ChatGPT took the world by storm when it was released by OpenAI. It was the first time that a language model was able to generate human-like responses to prompts.

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