Master the Art of Requesting Technical Help: A Handy Email Template

Master the Art of Requesting Technical Help: A Handy Email Template

As a software developer, at the beginning of my career, I thought it was more important to learn one more programming language or framework or library. But as years passed by, I realized it is also equally important to learn how to interact with people. Now remote work is becoming new normal and social media platforms like Twitter, LinkedIn, etc. are a common place to interact with people across the globe.

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Its time to apply KISS principle to career

Its time to apply KISS principle to career

You might have heard from IT employees that there is no work-life balance in IT due to unrealistic deadlines, long working hours, etc. I did work crazy hours in the first 7 or 8 years of my career, but not anymore. Fortunately, I have been working in the companies that value work-life balance, and I never had to work beyond 8 hours in the recent past. However, I have been working on writing blogs, making videos, etc.

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My First Year at AtomicJar as a Developer Advocate

My First Year at AtomicJar as a Developer Advocate

I joined AtomicJar as a Developer Advocate on 1st November 2022. Time flies when you are enjoying your work, isn’t it. Before joining AtomicJar, I worked as a TechLead/Architect at various companies for more than 15 years. When I got the opportunity to join AtomicJar, I was very excited to work with my favourite technology Testcontainers. I have been using Testcontainers for more than 4 years, and I am a big fan of it.

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My Plans for 2023

My Plans for 2023

First of all, Wish you a very happy new year and I hope this year will bring more joy and happiness into your lives. I would like to share how was 2022 for me and what my plans are for 2023. Highlights of 2022 The year 2022 is very eventful for me and lots of interesting things happened. 1. “How to Become a Software Architect” series with in28minutes and JavaBrains I collaborated with in28minutes Ranga and JavaBrains Koushik and did a “How to Become a Software Architect” series

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How I dealt with burn out?

How I dealt with burn out?

A month ago I was constantly feeling stressed out, tired and not getting proper sleep. To put it simply I got burned out. The interesting thing is it is not because of my official work pressure. Currently, I am working with a cool client, we are delivering the features on time and the team is friendly…I have nothing to complain about my official work. So I thought (and tweeted) it might be because of the things I do in addition to my regular job.

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Few things I learned in the hard way in 15 years of my career

Few things I learned in the hard way in 15 years of my career

I started my career as a Java developer in 2006, and it is almost 15 years that I have been continuing as a software developer. Along the way, I have experienced some amazing things, and a lot of shitty things as well. As I am not a super smart person by birth, I ended up learning many things in the hard way. In this article, I would like to share some of my learnings.

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My 2020 year review and plans for 2021

My 2020 year review and plans for 2021

I would like to share how was my year 2020 and what I am planning to do in 2021. As we all know 2020 was a rough year due to COVID-19, lockdown and all, but 2020 is a good year for me in many ways. It used to take minimum 2 to 3 hours of daily commute for office, now that I have been working from home I am able to use that time for other activities.

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My proud moment as a mentor

My proud moment as a mentor

As software developers, most of us implicitly assume gaining strong technical skills might make us successful. Many of us assume being good at cutting edge technologies, mastering keyboard shortcuts, being able to work on front-end, back-end and infrastructure etc etc will make us successful in our careers. Yes, the above mentioned skills definitely help, but just being good at tech skills might not make us successful. There is more to it.

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