How I dealt with burn out?

How I dealt with burn out?

A month ago I was constantly feeling stressed out, tired and not getting proper sleep. To put it simply I got burned out. The interesting thing is it is not because of my official work pressure. Currently, I am working with a cool client, we are delivering the features on time and the team is friendly…I have nothing to complain about my official work. So I thought (and tweeted) it might be because of the things I do in addition to my regular job.

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Get Super Productive with Intellij File Templates

Get Super Productive with Intellij File Templates

Intellij IDEA is the most popular IDE for Java development and there are tons of features to explore and become more productive. We all know about Live Templates which can be used to expand a small expression to common code snippets. Recently I came to know about File Templates, and I realized I can put it to good use and be more productive. First let us discuss the problem I was trying to solve with File Templates.

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