Core Java Training
This Core Java training aims at the beginners who want to learn Java programming starting from scratch.
Please email me at for further details.
Core Java Course Topics:
- Java Programming Fundamentals
- Introduction to Java Programming
- OOPS concepts
- What are JDK, JVM, JRE?
- Java Basics
- DataTypes, Operators, Statements
- Classes, Interfaces, Objects
- Abstract, Static, final etc
- public, private, protected modifiers, Access specifiers
- Inheritance
- package, import
- Enum, Annotations
- Control Structures
- if-else, while, for, switch etc
- Exception Handling
- try-catch-finally
- checked-vs-unchecked exceptions
- Java Collections framework
- List, Set, Map etc
- Sorting, Filtering
- Searching
- Java Generics
- Parameterized Collections
- Java lang/util packages, File I/O
- String, StringTokenizer, Date
- Regular Expressions
- File Reader/Writer, Input/Output Streams etc
- Multi Threading
- Thread, Runnable
- Synchronization
- Database Programming with JDBC
- Connecting to MySQL Database
- Performing Read, Write, Update, Delete operations
- Transaction Management
- Introduction to Java 8 features
- Lambdas
- Streams
- DateTime API
- Servlets
- Introduction to Web application development and Servlets
- Servlet Life Cycle
- HttpServlet Request, Response, Session, ServletContext
- Deployment descriptor web.xml
- Servlet Listeners and Filters
- Introduction to MVC and JSP
- JSP implicit Objects
- Scriptlets
- Custom Tags
Please email me at for further details.
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