Spring Security OAuth 2 Tutorial - 1 : Getting familiar with OAuth 2 concepts

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Security is a complex topic to understand in-depth. In addition to that, implementing security for complex microservices based systems using OAuth 2.0 and OpenID Connect specs is even harder. Frameworks and libraries, like Spring Security, help to reduce the complexity, but still there is a steep learning curve to understand how to properly implement security.

In this Spring Security OAuth2 Tutorial series, I would like to share my learning on implementing security for a simple microservices based application using Spring Security OAuth2.

There are many Identity Provider solutions like Keycloak, Okta, Auth0, etc. In this series, we are going to use Keycloak, which is an Open Source Identity and Access Management solution.

I am NOT a Security/OAuth2 Expert

I am certainly not an expert on Security, OAuth2, Keycloak. I am sharing my learning based on my understanding of the concepts. If you think any of the concepts or explanations is incorrect, please feel free to let me know.

We are not going to jump right into the implementation of Spring Security OAuth2. Instead, we will learn one thing at a time in slow pace so that it won’t be overwhelming.

Understand the basics of OAuth 2.0 and OpenID Connect

The first step in the journey of learning OAuth 2.0 and OpenID Connect is to understand some core concepts such as what are the various roles in OAuth2, what are the various Grant Types and which one to use when.

Instead of me repeating what I learned from this great video, I highly recommend watching this video to get a clear understanding of OAuth 2.0 and OpenID Connect concepts.

OAuth 2.0 and OpenID Connect (in plain English)

To quickly summarize, in an OAuth2 system there are various components that play different roles and there are different approaches to authenticate a user.

OAuth2.0 Roles

  • Resource Owner: The resource owner is typically the end user, who authorizes an application (Client) to access his/her account.
  • Resource Server: Server hosting the protected resources. This is the API you want to access.
  • Client: An application (which Resource Owner is using) requesting access to a protected resource on behalf of the Resource Owner.
  • Authorization Server: Server that authenticates the Resource Owner and issues access tokens after successful authorization.

OAuth2.0 Grant Types

  • Authorization Code Flow
  • Authorization Code Flow with PKCE
  • Client Credentials Flow
  • Implicit Flow (not recommended)
  • Resource Owner Password Flow (not recommended)

OAuth 2.0 only concerns about Authorization, but not Authentication. OpenID Connect specification is created to address Authentication which is built as a layer on top of OAuth 2.0.

We will discuss more on which grant type to use when in the upcoming parts of this series.

Installing Keycloak

As mentioned earlier, we are going to use Keycloak for implementing OAuth2.0/OpenID Connect based security. Let’s get started with the installation of Keycloak using docker compose.

version: '3.8'

    image: quay.io/keycloak/keycloak:22.0.3
    command: ['start-dev']
    container_name: keycloak
    hostname: keycloak
      - KEYCLOAK_ADMIN=admin
      - "9191:8080"

Now start the Keycloak container as follows:

$ docker compose up -d

We started the keycloak container in dev mode and configured Admin User credentials using environment variables. The container’s port 8080 is mapped to host’s port 9191.

Now you can access the Keycloak Admin Console at http://localhost:9191.

Create new Realm

From the Keycloak’s documentation:

A realm manages a set of users, credentials, roles, and groups. A user belongs to and logs into a realm. Realms are isolated from one another and can only manage and authenticate the users that they control.

You can create a new realm to isolate a set of clients, users, roles, etc from others.

Once you login into Admin Console using the credentials admin/admin1234, there is a dropdown in the top left corner that provides an option to create a new realm.

Enter Realm name as sivalabs, keep Enabled On and click on Create.

Upon successful creation, the new realm should be automatically selected. If not, select the sivalabs realm from the dropdown.

Create Client

To create a new client, click on Clients on the left side nav menu and click on Create client button.

  • General Settings:

    • Client type: OpenID Connect
    • Client ID: messages-webapp
  • Capability config:

    • Client authentication: On
    • Authorization: Off
    • Authentication flow: Check Standard flow On and uncheck the rest of the checkboxes
  • Login settings:

    • Root URL: http://localhost:8080
    • Home URL: http://localhost:8080
    • Valid redirect URIs: http://localhost:8080/callback
    • Valid post logout redirect URIs: http://localhost:8080
    • Web origins: http://localhost:8080

Once the client is created with the above configuration, you will be taken to the newly created Client’s Settings page. Click on the Credentials tab and copy the Client secret value.

In my case, the Client secret is qVcg0foCUNyYbgF0Sg52zeIhLYyOwXpQ.

Keycloak Client AccessType

If you have used Keycloak’s earlier versions, you might know that there was an option called AccessType with possible values of public, confidential, bearer-only. In the new version, there is no explicit AccessType field.

  • If Client authentication is Off then it is public client.
  • If Client authentication is On, then it is confidential client.
  • If Client authentication is On, but none of the Authentication flow options is enabled, then it is bearer-only client.

Now you might wonder, what are public, confidential, bearer-only clients?

  • A public client is a user-facing application which doesn’t have a server backend, like Single Page Applications. They can’t securely store any sensitive data such as Client secret.
  • A confidential client is a web application which runs on a backend server, like a Spring MVC application. They can securely store sensitive data such as Client secret.
  • A bearer-only client is typically a backend only application (API) which expects access_token from the caller. If they don’t provide a valid access_token then it will simply return Unauthorized response and does not initiate authentication flow.

Create User

Now, let’s create a User. Click on Users on the left side nav menu, and click on Add user button.

Create a user with the following details:

  • Username: siva
  • Email: siva@gmail.com
  • Email verified: Yes
  • First name: Siva
  • Last name: Katamreddy

Once the user is created, go to the Credentials tab and set the Password to siva1234 with Temporary: Off.

Now you should be able to login into sivalabs realm using the siva user’s credentials.

Go to http://localhost:9191/realms/sivalabs/account/ and SignIn with the credentials siva/siva1234.


Okay, now we have the initial setup ready to explore OAuth 2.0 and OpenID Connect.

In the next Spring Security OAuth 2 Tutorial - 2 : Authorization Code Flow article, we are going to explore how to get Access Token using Authorization Code Flow.

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