Getting Started with Generative AI using Java, LangChain4j, OpenAI and Ollama

Getting Started with Generative AI using Java, LangChain4j, OpenAI and Ollama

In this article, we will explore the following: Brief introduction to Generative AI? How to interact with Open AI APIs using Java? How to use LangChain4j to interact with OpenAI? How to run a LLM model locally using Ollama? Working with Ollama using LangChain4j and Testcontainers. LangChain4j Tutorial Series You can check out the other articles in this series: Part 1: Getting Started with Generative AI using Java, LangChain4j, OpenAI and Ollama Part 2: Generative AI Conversations using LangChain4j ChatMemory Part 3: LangChain4j AiServices Tutorial Part 4: LangChain4j Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) Tutorial Introduction to Generative AI Unless you are living under a rock, you might have heard about Generative AI.

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Should I use a framework or libraries?

Should I use a framework or libraries?

In the software development world, trends come and go, and often we go through the same cycle again and again. It seems 2024 is the year of “Framework vs Libraries” debate. I mean this debate is not new, but it is getting louder again. For example, most of the Go community prefers to use libraries instead of a framework. The Java community is divided into two groups, one prefers to use Spring Boot or Quarkus or Micronaut, and the other prefers to use libraries.

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Its time to apply KISS principle to career

Its time to apply KISS principle to career

You might have heard from IT employees that there is no work-life balance in IT due to unrealistic deadlines, long working hours, etc. I did work crazy hours in the first 7 or 8 years of my career, but not anymore. Fortunately, I have been working in the companies that value work-life balance, and I never had to work beyond 8 hours in the recent past. However, I have been working on writing blogs, making videos, etc.

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Go for Java/SpringBoot Developers

Go for Java/SpringBoot Developers

I have been using Java for more than 17 years, and I really like Java and its ecosystem. Within the Java ecosystem, Spring Boot is my go-to framework for building applications. I used the Go language for an official project a couple of years ago, and initially I had mixed feelings about it. But the more I use it, the more I like it. I wanted to expand my skill set and decided to get more hands-on experience with Go.

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My First Year at AtomicJar as a Developer Advocate

My First Year at AtomicJar as a Developer Advocate

I joined AtomicJar as a Developer Advocate on 1st November 2022. Time flies when you are enjoying your work, isn’t it. Before joining AtomicJar, I worked as a TechLead/Architect at various companies for more than 15 years. When I got the opportunity to join AtomicJar, I was very excited to work with my favourite technology Testcontainers. I have been using Testcontainers for more than 4 years, and I am a big fan of it.

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Spring Boot + jOOQ Tutorial - 5 : Fetching Many-to-Many Relationships

Spring Boot + jOOQ Tutorial - 5 : Fetching Many-to-Many Relationships

In the previous tutorial, we have learned how to fetch One-to-Many relationships using jOOQ. In this tutorial, we will learn how to fetch Many-to-Many relationships using jOOQ. jOOQ Tutorial - 1 : Getting Started jOOQ Tutorial - 2 : Implementing CRUD Operations jOOQ Tutorial - 3 : Fetching One-to-One Relationships jOOQ Tutorial - 4 : Fetching One-to-Many Relationships jOOQ Tutorial - 5 : Fetching Many-to-Many Relationships Source Code: You can find the complete source code of this project on GitHub: https://github.

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Spring Boot + jOOQ Tutorial - 4 : Fetching One-to-Many Relationships

Spring Boot + jOOQ Tutorial - 4 : Fetching One-to-Many Relationships

In the previous tutorial, we have learned how to fetch One-to-One relationships using jOOQ. In this tutorial, we will learn how to fetch One-to-Many relationships using jOOQ. jOOQ Tutorial - 1 : Getting Started jOOQ Tutorial - 2 : Implementing CRUD Operations jOOQ Tutorial - 3 : Fetching One-to-One Relationships jOOQ Tutorial - 4 : Fetching One-to-Many Relationships jOOQ Tutorial - 5 : Fetching Many-to-Many Relationships Source Code: You can find the complete source code of this project on GitHub: https://github.

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Spring Boot + jOOQ Tutorial - 3 : Fetching One-to-One Relationships

Spring Boot + jOOQ Tutorial - 3 : Fetching One-to-One Relationships

In the previous tutorial, we have learned how to implement basic CRUD Operations using jOOQ. In this tutorial, we will learn how to fetch One-to-One relationships using jOOQ. jOOQ Tutorial - 1 : Getting Started jOOQ Tutorial - 2 : Implementing CRUD Operations jOOQ Tutorial - 3 : Fetching One-to-One Relationships jOOQ Tutorial - 4 : Fetching One-to-Many Relationships jOOQ Tutorial - 5 : Fetching Many-to-Many Relationships Source Code: You can find the complete source code of this project on GitHub: https://github.

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Spring Boot + jOOQ Tutorial - 2 : Implementing CRUD Operations

Spring Boot + jOOQ Tutorial - 2 : Implementing CRUD Operations

In the previous tutorial, we have seen how to generate jOOQ code using the testcontainers-jooq-codegen-maven-plugin and use jOOQ Typesafe DSL to execute SQL queries. In this tutorial, we will learn how to implement basic CRUD Operations using jOOQ. jOOQ Tutorial - 1 : Getting Started jOOQ Tutorial - 2 : Implementing CRUD Operations jOOQ Tutorial - 3 : Fetching One-to-One Relationships jOOQ Tutorial - 4 : Fetching One-to-Many Relationships jOOQ Tutorial - 5 : Fetching Many-to-Many Relationships Source Code:

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Spring Boot + jOOQ Tutorial - 1 : Getting Started

Spring Boot + jOOQ Tutorial - 1 : Getting Started

jOOQ is a Java persistence library that provides SQL DSL for writing typesafe SQL queries. It supports most of the popular databases like MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle, SQL Server, and many more. In this tutorial, we will learn how to get started with jOOQ for implementing persistence layer in a Spring Boot application. You can also use jOOQ in other JVM based languages like Kotlin, Scala, etc. jOOQ Tutorial - 1 : Getting Started jOOQ Tutorial - 2 : Implementing CRUD Operations jOOQ Tutorial - 3 : Fetching One-to-One Relationships jOOQ Tutorial - 4 : Fetching One-to-Many Relationships jOOQ Tutorial - 5 : Fetching Many-to-Many Relationships In this jOOQ tutorial series, you will learn how to use jOOQ in a Spring Boot application for implementing:

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