Announcing My "SpringBoot - The Missing Guide" Video Series on YouTube

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I am happy to announce that I am starting the SpringBoot - The Missing Guide video series on my SivaLabs YouTube Channel. This SpringBoot - The Missing Guide video series is for those who need help understanding SpringBoot’s magic. In this series, I will explain the core concepts used in Spring and SpringBoot with practical examples.

Also, I will give a deep-dive explanation of SpringBoot’s AutoConfiguration and how to customize the default configuration. Throughout the series, we will build a REST API using Spring Data JPA, and along the way, I will explain how to use various features of SpringBoot.

BONUS: you will learn how to test the application using JUnit 5, Testcontainers, RestAssured and the testing best practices.

Spring Boot - The Missing Guide: 1 - Introduction

Longer version

I have been working with Java and SpringBoot for several years and with many teams with different skill sets.

I observed that some developers were having difficulty with SpringBoot mainly because they were unfamiliar with Java and Spring. When they directly start with SpringBoot without any prior experience with Spring, many things look magical, and they couldn’t understand how SpringBoot actually work. Some of them are graduates just starting their careers, and some come from different programming language backgrounds.

So, I am making a video series on unpacking the SpringBoot’s magic by explaining how SpringBoot works.

Who are the target audience?

  • People who are new to Spring/SpringBoot
  • People starting with SpringBoot coming from a different programming language background
  • People who have been using SpringBoot for some time but don’t know how it works behind the scenes

If you are already a SpringBoot Expert, you might only learn a little from this series, but if you can watch and provide me feedback, that would be great.

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